Monday, July 18, 2011

Nanode Goes Global

Nanode has started to go from strength to strength. More than 250 Nanodes have been shipped since June 1st - and the trend appears to be increasing.

It's now getting beyond a "kitchen table top" operation.

Following a busy weekend kitting, 34 Nanodes were sent out in the post today, with another 30 to go to a UK customer later in the week.

As well as the familiar European countries, today's clutch included Hong Kong, Shenzhen China, South Australia, Canada, USA, Latvia and Czech Republic.

In another development the first of the new red pcbs from China are almost here.

Friday, July 15, 2011

OggCamp - Nanode's 2nd Outing

Nanode is going from strength to strength. In fact there's barely a weekend between now and October that there's not something Nanodey going on.

Here's the line up so far:

July 16th/17th Massive Nanode Kitting Session 100+ kits

July 23rd - 30th Week at a secret location to design new Nanode product(s)

August 6th/7th Nanode Applications and Programming weekend workshop

August 13th/14th Nanode at OggCamp

August 20th - Weekend off for a birthday barbeque postponed from 14th

August 27th - 4 day build session in Snowdonia

Sept 3rd - Brighton Mini Maker Faire - Nanode demonstrations and sales

Sept 10th - 18th - New York for Open Hardware Summit and NYC Maker Faire

Sept 24th/25th - nothing planned yet

October 27th 1 Day Open Source Hardware Camp - hosted by OSHUG at C4CC Acton St. London

Saturday, July 09, 2011

WIZnet Team on European Tour - Open Hardware

WIZnet dev team hoping to meet Open Hardware Groups in Europe


Yesterday afternoon/evening in London I met up with Jinbuhm Kim, and June-Woo Ryu who are the R&D Director and General Manager working at WIZnet.

They had contacted Glyn Hudson and Trystan Lea at openenergy, and not realised that they were based in North Wales - some 400km from London. So I stepped in, and met them for discussions at the London Hackspace and gave them a tour of its facilities and later met up with Ben Pirt, CTO at Pachube.

They are at the start of a major European tour, which will take them to most European cities/countries, including Brussels, Amsterdam and later on Sweden, Germany, Spain and Italy returning to Seoul on August 12th.

Jimbuhm and June are very supportive of open hardware and would like to meet open hardware groups or individuals on an informal basis for discussion about incorporating their ethernet and wifi products into open hardware.

Wiznet have some exciting new ethernet and wifi solutions suitable for incorporating into open hardware shields and modules. They have dev kits in the Arduino shield format. We discussed the idea of a Smart ethernet module with ATmega328 based on the Arduino Nano format, which would be a great platform for OH and IoT developments.

This weekend they travel to Brussels and then onto Amsterdam, but from that point I am not sure of their exact itinerary.

If you would like to meet them please contact Jimbuhm via email

jbkim at wiznet dot co dot kr