Nanode is going from strength to strength. In fact there's barely a weekend between now and October that there's not something Nanodey going on.
Here's the line up so far:
July 16th/17th Massive Nanode Kitting Session 100+ kits
July 23rd - 30th Week at a secret location to design new Nanode product(s)
August 6th/7th Nanode Applications and Programming weekend workshop
August 13th/14th Nanode at OggCamp
August 20th - Weekend off for a birthday barbeque postponed from 14th
August 27th - 4 day build session in Snowdonia
Sept 3rd - Brighton Mini Maker Faire - Nanode demonstrations and sales
Sept 10th - 18th - New York for Open Hardware Summit and NYC Maker Faire
Sept 24th/25th - nothing planned yet
October 27th 1 Day Open Source Hardware Camp - hosted by OSHUG at C4CC Acton St. London
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