We got thoroughly fed up paying £13 plus VAT for a Chinese rip-off of a FTDI lead.
So if you can't beat 'em, feck 'em - and we got our own custom USB to serial programming lead made.

It uses the SiLabs device, but it's pin-out is the same as the 5V FTDI lead. It uses RTS for auto-reset of the Nanode.
We think they are great value at a fiver each.
“As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.” ---Antoine de Saint-Exupery
You are most definitely succeeding at such a task.
That's very expensive compared to ebay prices (this one for 3USD) for a a device which has the same chipset:
How come you have such a difference?
With an FTDI cable selling for nearly $20, the Nanode programming lead at $8 it represents considerably better value for money.
It is normal within the hardware kit community to add 100% mark up to all goods from China - and this is the model that Sparkfun and Adafruit operate on. I however do not - otherwise the Nanode would be selling for $50 rather than $39.95.
The Nanode adaptor has been custom made and has a custom pin-out to suit the Nanode and it supports the auto reset function - unlike the device you have found. It also comes with a 1m A-F USB cable.
A custom run of boards does not come cheap and their are layout and tooling charges to meet.
If you are prepared to put money up front,as I did, and take the risk on a minimum order quantity of 500 pieces, then I will be happy to let you dictate my pricing policy.
If I sold at $2.95, I would be selling at a large loss, as there are shipping, and UK import duties of 20% to be paid.
In the meantime - happy hunting for a suitable USB adaptor.
Is this cable working on osx ?
Ok, it works great on mac but it was not easy to find how to make it work.
You have to install the driver from here :
After that you have a /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART when you plug the programming lead.
And in the Arduino App you have to select the Duemilanove w/Atmega 328 Board.
After that upload works as on arduino board (no need to touch the reset button).
Btw, thanks a lot for this cheap tool !
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