Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Elements of Language

Charles H. Moore is one of my all time computer heroes. He has to be up there amongst Kernighan, Ritchie and Thomson for his contribution to computer languages.

In the 1960s, computer programmer Charles H. Moore developed a new programming language that he called FORTH.

He was convinced that there must be an easier and more productive way to  program and interact with a computer and he wanted to create the language tools to do it. Computers at that time were generally mainframes which required the vast resources of assembler, compiler and linker, plus the costly time of specialist computer operators just to generate a program and run it. Moore wanted to develop a self contained programming environment, over which he had complete control, that would allow him to become a more productive programmer. Better programming efficiency would mean less time spent paying for expensive mainframe time.

Moore went on to port FORTH to many different computer systems, and it was also adopted by the homebrew computer community. In the 80's, Moore turned his attention to using FORTH as a machine language, which was executed directly by the microcontroller. He wrote CAD software in FORTH to help him design new ICs, and now in his mid 70's he is still working on state of the art multi-processor arrays which execute a dialect of FORTH.

It is in this spirit that I have spent the last few days tinkering with SIMPL and have borrowed some of the ideas from FORTH. I make no claims that it is a fully fledged programming language, but it does contain all the elements which allow simple programs to be written and run, edited and re-run from the a serial terminal without having to constantly edit and re-compile C code in order to make changes.  It allows the user a greater level of interaction with the program so that ideas can quickly be tried out and changes made with just a few keystrokes.

SIMPL is based on a tiny interpreter called txtzyme written by Ward Cunningham.  Ward initially wrote txtzyme to run on the Arduino, but as it is written in bog-standard C, it can easily be ported across to other micros. During this Christmas week, I have ported my version of SIMPL across to a STM32F4xx ARM Discovery board.

The original Arduino version of txtzyme only has 9 commands, and allows access to basic input, output and looping and timing functions.  The core interpreter is only 90 lines of C code - taking up about 3.6K when compiled for an Arduino. The language is easily extended, as we shall see later.

As stated above, Moore wanted to develop a self contained, comfortable programming environment which involved less typing and a more direct involvement in the program application, rather than the mechanics of compiling and assembling it.

In the same way, SIMPL allows you to perform simple I/O operations directly from the serial terminal, without having to go through the edit-compile-upload cycle every time you wish to make a slight change. Whilst this interactive serial interface makes it easier to experiment directly with the hardware from a serial terminal, the simple character interpreter at the core of txtzyme has much more powerful tricks up it's sleeve.

By way of illustration, I'd like to mention at this stage Java and the Java virtual machine.  Basically any computer, be it PC, MAC or Linux, can be programmed to emulate the Java virtual machine. By sending this virtual machine programs in Java bytecode, any platform can be made to run the same software. Whilst this may be an over simplification of Java, it serves to illustrate how vastly differing platforms can be made to run the same programs.

So now apply this to a range of microcontroller hardware platforms.  Give them the means to interpret a common language, and then you can get them to run the same programs. If this language is an efficient character based language like txtzyme, then programs can be conveyed to the hardware devices using strings of just a few characters, served from a browser interface.  We now have a common language to implement the internet of things, small enough to run on the simplest of 8-bit microcontrollers for the most trivial of applications.

A remote device that is executing one particular program, could easily be reprogrammed with a text string of just a few characters, to execute an entirely different program. This text string could come from a server directly, or via SMS or Twitter or be embedded in a web page or wiki document.

Here, Ward Cunningham explains this concept in a short video

Txtzyme is not only a simple language for microcontrollers to interpret, it is easy to read, write and understand by humans. With each character representing an entire function, a lot can be written in a very short text string.

Take the classic Blinking LED program - say from Arduino, to flash a LED on pin 13, 10 times, for 500mS on and 500mS off.  Here it is in C

for(i==0; i<=10; i++)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

In txtzyme this becomes just 16 characters:


If you want it to read an ADC channel 5 and print it to the terminal the txtztme is now just three more characters


In C, you would have had to add the following line, recompile and upload again


So, to sum up, it's easy to implement the txtzyme interpreter on any micro. It's already available for Arduino, Teensy 1 and 2 and now the STM32F4 Discovery board.  Once a micro can interpret txtzyme strings it may be controlled from any browser or from a Wiki, using the txtzyme plug-in.

To be continued.......

1 comment:

Wine Recipes said...

I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.